Dark Frontier by Matthew Harffy
DARK FRONTIER by Matthew Harffy ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A man can flee from everything but his own nature. 1890. Lieutenant Gabriel Stokes of the British...

Face-to-face with Pelops?
In 1986/7, following its success with the remains of Philip II of Macedon, a specialist team from Manchester University reconstructed the...

Good Moan Inc
Just before Christmas, I had the great pleasure of talking to the wonderful Erica Stevenson, the owner of books/ Classics/ culture...

I see you, Mycenae...
Finally! After more than 30 years of reading, writing, teaching and wondering about it, I got to see Mycenae. It did not disappoint. I...

Historical Times article
The lovely Sam Taw, author of the excellent 'Tribes of Britain' series, recently approached me and asked if I would like to contribute an...

Argo unboxed!
It's a curious thing, this unboxing lark. You don't have to scroll too far on Twitter (I'm not on any other platform, apart from FB!) to...

Tim Severin's final voyage
Was very sad to read yesterday of the death of Tim Severin, the world-renowned explorer and writer, in December 2020 at the age of 80....

Will Argo sail again? (Part 2)
#Argosailsagain 2012 was an eventful year but it was the London Olympics that seemed to account for the lion's share of it. For a few...

Will Argo sail again? A cautionary (but optimistic) tale (Part 1)
Lightning jagged behind the summit of Mount Pelion, etching its rugged peaks against a sky that broiled purple and grey with mist. Thunder g

1977: it's your Destiny
I was born in 1977 and Elvis died but, for billions of people, these were not the reasons it will be forever memorable: Star Wars was...