Argo unboxed!
It's a curious thing, this unboxing lark. You don't have to scroll too far on Twitter (I'm not on any other platform, apart from FB!) to catch live commentary of authors slitting open their boxes, trying throughout (not very successfully in most cases) to look nonchalant in their desperation to lay hands on their precious books. And if that sounds a bit negative, it's really not meant to! The delivery of that box marks a hugely significant step in the journey to being published and it absolutely should be a moment to savour, laying eyes on a whole pile of pristine front covers for the first time.
I think I'm just not so convinced that the wider public is particularly interested in the opening of a box. Then again, I suppose if that's your outlook, the value of social media in general probably looks questionable!
Anyway, here's a box with my books in it. My son Max, who is 2 years old, was much more interested in popping the bubble wrap than seeing his name and his sister's in the dedication. Maybe one day he'll read it and see it in a different light: I certainly hope so!
Middle-aged grumpy comments aside, I am very proud of Argo and, I must admit, the PB is a whole lot chunkier than I was expecting. Next question is: will it ever be seen in the wild...?